Events & Resources

Free/by Donation Workshop Offerings:

Josh and Kalindi are offering two free/donation workshops this fall in their wellness studio space. Both classes will be co-taught and include NeuroMuscular Balancing principles, assessments, restorative yoga, ball rolling massage, and mindful self-compassion. Please email to sign up for either class since space is limited to the first 10 people. If space is still available, directions will be provided after signing up. Mats and props are provided. Class dates and times are to select either Wednesday September 20th or Thursday October 5th from 6 – 8 PM.

Unique Yoga Mats:

My family business makes a line of unique, eco-friendly yoga mats including a multi-purpose foldable yoga mat and super grippy non-slip mat. Check them out at:

About Me:

Hi I’m Kalindi, and I’m excited to share my holistic health and mindful living journey with you. First, a little about me. I’m a nature lover at heart, and, when I’m not blogging, you’ll find me hiking, biking or reading or writing poetry by the ocean. I’m also a former competitive tennis player sidelined by injuries. My passion for holistic health and the mind-body connection grew as a response to those injuries and other health issues, and I was inspired to pursue yoga teacher training, mindfulness and mindful self-compassion certifications, and reiki training among other holistic modalities. All these areas of holistic health and wellness are things I wish I had known years ago as a competitive athlete training 5+ hours a day (I hated stretching back then…), so I’m hoping, former injured athlete or not, you’ll find useful tips here to apply to your own mindful living journey.
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